Dental implants are artificial parts that replace missing teeth. These replacements are usually metal and can be made from different types of alloys. They are usually placed into the jaw bone for stability and then bonded to it permanently. A dental implant is an artificial part that interfaces with the jaw's bone or jaw to support a dental replica like a denture, bridge, crown, facial implant or even to serve as an orthodontic anchored replacement. An implant can also be used as a tooth-supported artificial root for permanent tooth implants.
The most obvious and the most common (although by far not the only major disadvantage of dental implants is the cost) is the limited ability to bite properly without them. Because there is only one implant per tooth, it is extremely difficult to get a healthy bite with a single implant because it requires two teeth for the surgery. In addition, since a full mouth reconstruction is required for a single implant, this requires additional surgery beyond the procedure itself, which adds to the cost.
Another common disadvantage of dental implants is the long healing process. Since the implants have to be replaced every six months or more, the actual replacement has to heal within six months or so, also adding to the cost. This healing process is very painful, and patients need to be careful not to bite their tongue during the healing process. Also, the procedure can only be performed on those areas of the mouth that are actually appropriate sites for the implants, and the procedure is not recommended for people who are prone to having infections, bleeding gums or wearing dentures. Visit this site for more info about dentists.
Although the disadvantages listed above are a drawback of dental implants, some can be considered advantages. For example, if a natural tooth root is damaged or killed during the procedure, an artificial tooth root can be surgically implanted at the same site. Because of this, the patient will only have one procedure instead of multiple, and the surgery will be less painful. Also, because the implants are custom-made, the tooth root will be strong enough to hold onto the natural tooth in place and will not require any replacement surgeries. Check out this site for more info about dentists.
Finally, some people may prefer tooth replacement over implants because they believe that dental implants are not easy to replace. They believe that tooth roots can be easily transplanted or replaced, and the natural teeth will be attached to the transplanted root. In fact, tooth roots can be successfully transplanted or replaced, and they can even be implanted in the exact location of a missing tooth. Because of this potential for success, many people choose tooth replacement over implants.
Although implants may be more expensive than tooth roots, they are less costly than bridgework, which is a bridge consisting of multiple artificial tooth roots at the Contemporary Dentist in Vacaville. However, bridgework must be redone every three to five years, whereas artificial tooth roots can last for decades before requiring replacement. Moreover, dental implants do not require any maintenance at all, whereas bridgework requires routine cleaning to maintain its luster and strength. Overall, both bridges and artificial crowns are much better options for replacing lost teeth than tooth roots or dentures, due to their superior longevity, low cost, ease of use and durability. Therefore, if you suffer from a serious dental problem such as a missing, damaged or cracked tooth, your next step should be to see your dentist to find out whether you qualify for either an implant or a bridge. Learn more about dentistry here: